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Benefits Of A/B Testing

A/B testing, also called as split testing, is a process of experimenting between two or more variants of the same web page to determine which of them achieves more conversion rate. It involves validating that any changes made in the design or layout of your website is yielding better performance before you make changes in the site code. A/B testing allows you to assess different elements of your website including:

  • Placement, design and color of the buttons
  • The location, text or color of call-to-action
  • Product pricing
  • Headlines and product descriptions
  • Product placement and photos
  • Appearance and layout of website
  • Length of text on each page

Benefits of using A/B testing for your website:

  • Measure Performance Differences: A/B testing allows you to have an accurate measure of your website’s performance between two different alternatives. You just need to collect the recorded data to compare the results.
  • Measure Actual Behavior: While you are creating a website, it might be difficult to judge how a certain design or navigation would perform. By using A/B testing, you can get it evaluated by the real customers and have a better idea about the preferences of your target market. This will help you offer desirable products and services to your clients.
  • Increase Conversion Rate: A/B testing enables you to boost conversion rates on your landing pages as well as increase your current leads with the help of proven techniques and methods.
  • Improve Content: A/B testing helps you in initiating a successful content marketing campaign. It lets you know what type of data is given positive feedback by the users. Thus, you can make the required changes in your existing content adequately optimized for the target customers.
  • Lower Risks: A/B testing considerably reduces the risk involved in major decisions like marketing strategy and pricing. Analyzing consumer behavior before implementing anything increases the chances of success. With A/B testing, companies can appropriately invest their resources to yield maximum results and greater ROI. 
  • Easy To Design: The A/B test does not need to be carefully or technical designed to achieve accurate results. All you need to do is to decide the number of versions you want to test and split your website’s traffic among them.

Regardless of which things are you evaluating in your website, A/B testing is a simple and cost-effective way to know precisely which option will work the best for you.

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